What your heart would love to say - Jessica Brown Fine Art

What your heart would love to say

What is it about travelling that makes the heart sing? I’ve always loved to travel. I’ve been lucky enough to visit some amazing places around the world, and live in a few of them, including, Vienna, San Francisco, Augsburg, and Catania, which led to experiences I will never forget. And there are so many other places I’d like to explore.  I came across a beautiful poem recently by John O’Donohue, called ‘For the Traveller’, which includes the lines:

“When you travel,
A new silence
Goes with you,
And if you listen,
You will hear
What your heart would
Love to say.”

I’ve been working on some paintings that explore some of these ideas. Here is one, I hope you like it.

Sea, rust, journeys, travel, explore, boho, modern bohemian, blue
“Ancient places” by Jessica Brown, 2019. Mixed media on wooden board, 33x 33cm.

If you would like to find out any more about this painting,  or other pieces I am working on in this series, please check out the details on my ‘available paintings’ page, or contact me using the contact page.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Till next time.
