On a cold, rainy day in October, I was given a present of a bulb in a little vase of water. An accompanying label told me to put it in a dark cupboard and take it out ten weeks later. I pretty much forgot about it, but then at Christmas, while looking for candles, I came across it again, and put it on the window sill.
Seeing its tentative shoots turn into a burst of green and pink is such a lovely gift. As it flowered into a beautiful hayacinth, the days have started to get a little longer, and although it doesn’t feel like it, the year is already turning towards spring again.
The vivid colours, and something of that joy and hope for the future came through in this painting. I hope you like it.

If you would like to find out any more about this painting, or any of the other paintings on my website, please contact me using the contact page. Look forward to hearing form you.
Till next time.