“What could be more interesting, or in the end, more ecstatic, than in those rare moments when you see another person look at something you’ve made, and realize that they got it exactly, that your heart jumped to their heart with nothing in between.”
Robert Motherwell
‘You are here’ series available in my gallery shop
Click on a painting to discover more.
“When Jess delivered the painting, I was blown away. The painting was so much more than a space filler for my new kitchen. It was a stunning piece of art that both moved and calmed me. The tears I shed then for the emotional impact were ones of joy and the feeling that my new kitchen had been transformed into a place I love. Jess’s artistry and talent to capture emotion in brush strokes and colour is a joy to see, an enduring pleasure to own. ” Jayne, Moseley, Birmingham.
One to One Consultation
Looking for advice on choosing the perfect painting for your home or office? Considering a commission but not sure of how to proceed? I offer a free 15 minute one-to-one consultation via zoom or facetime. Get in touch to find out more.
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